Saturday, October 27, 2007

Haircut from hell

I got my haircut yesterday afternoon. I was wandering around the part of the city near my office to try to find a decent salon with reasonable prices. Well, I learned my lesson the hard way - there are some things in London you just don't try to save £10 on.

My ignored warning signs:
- When I walked into the salon, they seemed very excited to have a customer
- When I explained I just wanted a trim, Yana (my stylist from Latvia) brought out a magazine of short and spiked haircuts asking to point to the one I wanted

Now the nightmare. First, she trimmed the bottom. Okay. Second, she combed all my hair into a pony tail directly on top of my head, twisted it until it was really tight, and proceeded to cut from the bottom up. I yelled - I scared her (she had to open the door for some fresh air) and the receptionist asked if I please wouldn't scream anymore. I couldn't help it! I thought she was cutting the whole ponytail off! She didn't end up cutting the whole way through, but instead just cut the ponytail about 1/4 of the way in and worked her way up. There was panic on my face. It was definitely the weirdest haircut I've ever received, including the time when someone cut my hair while it was dry. Why am I so nice? I should have just left. And then I paid £35 for it! What is wrong with me?

The result - Since there was no rhyme or reason to how she cut my hair, it is completely uneven. There's tons of short layers on one side, but barely any on the other. And in the front, there's a big piece that's cut to right above my ear (so I can barely put it back). Also, it's about half as thick as it used to be. I think I'm still in shock. Do I get it fixed or let it grow out until xmas and make an appointment in the states? I am not going to cry....

1 comment:

Frankie said...

that SUCKS. I think maybe you should only get your haircut in the US...or just not by foreigners in cheap hair salons hahaha. I bet you're still gorgeous though!