Wednesday, November 7, 2007

BT makes up for it in the end

We have a phone line! It's a miracle, people. And its all thanks to Bobby emailing the CEO of BT to complain about our customer service. We actually heard back from the CEO that day and he put us in touch with his high complaints department, specifically a lovely woman named Lesley. She researched our issue, setup our appointment to get the line installed within a week, gave us her direct line to call from now on (no more holding for 3 hours), gave us three months service free AND THEN sent two bottles of wine and a box of chocolates for our trouble!!! Can you believe this company? It's all or nothing with them.

Last Friday we went out to dinner and then to see Avenue Q - a musical that's like an adult version of Sesame Street and extremely funny. A couple of our favorite songs were "it sucks to be me"and "everyone's a little bit racist". We used the theatre tokens that L&L bought for us (thanks girls) and got front row seats!!

Saturday night we went to go see the fireworks at Battersea Park for Guy Fawkes Day (November 5th). What is Guy Fawkes Day you ask? I had no idea until I looked it up on Wikipedia. Basically, Guy Fawkes planned to blow up the Parliment and kill the King back in the 1600s, but thankfully he was captured right before the plan went through. They killed him and now they celebrate every Nov 5th with fireworks and bonfires. It seems bizarre to me...but I'll take any excuse I can for some free fireworks. Especially when you can watch them right over the Thames river while enjoying a Guinness...
Bobby started his new classes this week and he's saying that he likes the classes much better already - he's taking economics, strategic finance and marketing. He also met with his career counselor this week to start talking about possible jobs after he graduates. Maybe management consulting or aerospace?
And we booked a trip to Italy last night for New Year's! It's two nights in Venice, then one night in Florence & two nights in Rome. I can't wait! Its so easy when its only a three hour plane ride away...


Unknown said...

Italy for New Years!!!!!! That's the best New Years plans ever!!! As happy as I am for you, is it okay to be just a little jealous?? :-)

Tara said...

Ok, if our phone line doesn't become active this weekend like it's supposed to, you need to give me BT's CEO's e-mail address. I'm about ready to strangle someone over there... plus I like wine and chocolate.