Monday, September 3, 2007

Monday, September 3, 2007

Lazy Weekend in London

Saturday and Sunday of this weekend were a great pair of days. For the first time Dee and I were not consumed with our housing search, and therefore had time to devote to relaxation and exploration!

The day started with a search. A search to find a TV that plays Boston College football games. After calling numerous bars and restaurants and searching online, we found that BC doesn't necessarily draw big ratings in the UK (surprise!). This is not so much a bad thing though, as sport teams from Boston typically do very well when I live outside the city, as exemplified by the following list:

New England Patriots, 2001 Superbowl Champions
Bobby's residence: Uppsala, Sweden
New England Patriots, 2003 Superbowl Champions
Bobby's residence: Washington, D.C.
Boston Red Sox, 2004 World Series Champions
Bobby's residence: Washington, D.C.
New England Patriots, 2004 Superbowl Champions
Bobby's residence: Washington, D.C.

With a track record like this, Vegas should take note.

Saturday continued, sans BC vs. WF. Using the good weather to our advantage, Dee and I took some time to walk around Battersea Park (just south of Chelsea on the ''other side'' of the river), then packed a picnic dinner and headed into the city to watch a free play at City Hall (also south of the river). The play, ''Helen of Troy'', was very well done especially for being free. Afterwards, we sat down in a nearby park, ate our bounty and drank some wine under the lights of Tower Bridge. Check out the view we had of the bridge:

Sunday was a packing day. Sounds boring, but with the prospect of finally vacating our Cloisters postage stamp for our new pad in Marlebone, you couldn't wipe the smiles of our faces. Add to that, Bond - GoldenEye was on BBC1 and it brought back many good gaming memories.
Dee's first day is today, and I'm still waiting to hear about the status of our place...
Updates to follow...

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